Tertiary Students, Graduates and Black Tax

Black tax discussion

Tertiary Students, Graduates and Black Tax

In a recent article in Times Live an SA Oprah School graduate put her foot down and said "No" to her family's expectations that she would provide for them. This sparked a conversation with Dux:

Dux Student Support:

  1. What are your overall thoughts on Black Tax?
  2. How have you "drawn the line" with your family?
  3. What advice would you give young graduates on how to manage their families' expectations?

Andries - BSc Computer Science gratuate from Wits:

1. I think black tax is one of those things that every black South African child who comes from a disadvantaged background and makes it to middle class can't avoid. I've seen a lot of my peers simply ignore it by leaving their homes to get an apartment and focus on their lives. I'm one of those people who decided to stay home and support the family. The difficult thing about all of this is when we say black tax we only think of the people that we live with but in most cases it's from other family members who were not even present while you struggling. If one ever decides to ignore, the blackmail is real and they are not going to be happy for anything that you decide to do in life.

2. I have now, but in the first of working it used to impact me. Around 70% of my salary actually went to the family. I think I actually did that to myself because I can think of a couple of points that could have made things a little lighter but because I've learnt from my mistakes I'm handling it a bit better.

3. The biggest mistake that we all make is telling our families how much we make. They start making financial decisions on your behalf, so I would advise them not to do that. I also think that they must have money they put aside every month for the family and act like they had to hustle it when they give it to their family

Sledge - recent BSc Actuarial Science graduate from Wits:

Note: As a rule, we do NOT condone lying.

Thandeka - Honours student at Wits:


Khethiwe - final year BEd student at Wits:

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