Finding Work During Vac


Finding Work During Vac

It’s really important to start thinking about getting some work experience before you graduate, and the best way to do that is to try and get a Vac job. Focus for the few weeks that you’re on holiday and gain that invaluable work experience that is so important when applying for a job after graduating. And bonus – you could also earn some extra cash – who doesn’t need extra cash?

While it’s not impossible to find a vac job in the field that you’re studying, please don’t be put off and discouraged if you don’t find any vacancies or companies in your field who can accommodate you during this time.

Any job during Vac is a great way to learn new skills, meet new people, and create some opportunities for yourself.

Working in a coffee shop, a take-away restaurant, or pharmacy for example, are jobs that require little past experience, but give you a great deal of experience in dealing with people which is invaluable for future management roles.

Perhaps you can find a temp admin job or reception role at a company during Vac. This is an excellent way to see the ins and outs of the specific business, how it runs, and is beneficial for anyone who wants to get into business or corporate.

The best approach to take when finding a Vac job is as follows:

  • Create a professional CV. Keep it short and to the point, but with all the important information like contact information, your recent experience and what you’re studying. If you’re putting people down as references, make sure you’ve spoken to them first and that they are aware that they are your reference.

Here are some CV templates:

  • Include a cover letter or short motivation about who you are, your skills, and strengths.
  • Research the company you wish to work at. Think about things that are close to home or easy to get to on main routes so that you can catch a lift with someone if you need to.
  • Call or book an appointment with the hiring manager at the company, and give them a printed copy of your CV. Email them a copy of your CV too for their records.
  • Prepare to motivate why you want this job and what will make you a good fit for this role.
  • Be prepared to work for free or as a volunteer.  The experience you’ll gain is what is important.


Good luck!

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