Time and Task Management | Student Success Factors Masterclass Catch-up

24 hours in every day, 168 hours in a week, 8 736 hours in a year.
Considering that each of us gets the same 24 hours per day to spend, have you noticed how some people seem to get more done than other people in the same 24 hour period? What is it that enables them to do more than others during the same time period? Do they have more stamina? Do they have a magical formula? Are they merely hyperactive? What is their secret?
Join us and find out!

The beginning of each semester is a special and precious time, because in just a few days your world will be turned upside down.  Your schedule will be hijacked and your normal habits of eat, sleep and exercise will be threatened.  

I promise, you will make it out alive! (I didn’t think I would either, but I did. Whew!)  To help you towards your victory, here are 9 super important tips to help you prepare for a new semester and get started on the right foot.